About Me

I'm Leah, a photographer, graphic designer, Director of Online Product and Website Management, and future coder. I've spent the past 19 years honing my craft and am still learning something new each day. Outside the office, you'll find me with my husband biking on trails, camping in the wilderness and converting a bus into a tiny home.

I graduated with a BA in Journalism from Angelo State University in 2006 with a minor in Graphic Design. I have spent over 15 years working in marketing departments as a Graphic Designer, product photographer, and most recently as a Director of Online Product and Website Management.

Currently, I'm learning coding through University of Arizona bootcamp. Check out all of the things I've learned so far on all the items below.

Coding Work

Project 2 - 90s Rewind

Working with Cole, Matt & Shane, we created a website using an application and creates a marketplace for buyers, sellers, and fans of 90s footwear.

View the repo here: click here! View the website here: click here!

E-Commerce Back End

To build the back end for an e-commerce site by modifying starter code by configuring a working Express.js API to use Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.

View the repo here: click here! View the video here: click here!

Day Planner

To be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company so that I can organize and plan my business.

View the repo here: click here! View the video here: click here!

Project 1 - Sound Scouter

Working with KJ, Kevin, Matt & Nathan, we created a website utilizing the YouTube and TicketMaster APIs to allow people to listen to music while searching for concert tickets.

View the repo here: click here! View the website here: click here!

Weather Dashboard

We were tasked to create a weather dashboard to allow people to search a city, or choose one of the previously searched, and that day's weather, humidity, wind, uv index and a 5 day forcast.

View the repo here: click here! View the website here: click here!

Day Planner

We were tasked to create a day planner that is color coded with future, current and overdue items, and also allows you to type in by the hour items to do it and saves it in the local storage.

View the repo here: click here! View the website here: click here!